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Fun Global Warming Facts
8:30 pm on Mon 19th Jan by dodrian
Increased average surface temperature will
likely result in:

Yet environmentalists have decreed that the average temperature of the Earth just before widespread industrialization is the perfect temperature and needs
to be preserved at all cost.

Politicians have all too quickly jumped on the "stop global warming!" bandwagon, and are clambering over each other to implement the fiercest restrictions and most ambitious programs under the guise of "protecting the environment". Consider what harm similar hasty decisions have done in the past:

Current environmental policies look to be just as damaging. Barack Obama was quoted during his campaign as saying he would destroy the coal industry, a source of cheap, domestic energy and thousands of jobs. Despite huge investments in renewable energy, we are still heavily dependant on fossil fuels, and taxes or cap-and-trade programs will drive up energy prices, hurting most those society is supposed to protect, the poor.

Politicians need to slow down and consider the long term implications of the legislation they write, instead of trying to ride the protecting-the-Earth feel-good factor through the next election. The global warming hysteria brought about by the media, public figures and politicians will cause more harm than good.

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