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by Phil at 9:40 pm on Friday 3rd November [journal]

Greek went nicely. Menander isn't terribly funny, but easier than the last session's brain-numbing Plato. Now I'm preparing some Horace for latin - this bit (I've given it you in English, you lucky people) - in half an hour's time. Libraries are great places.

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by Phil at 7:37 pm on Friday 3rd November [journal]

Is the title of a play by menander, only partly extant, and which I should really have prepared for my next tutorial at midday. Ho hum. Winging it once again! Nothing wrong with a bit of emergency greek though, as the bishop undoubtedly has at some point said to the actress. Well, what do I have in the way of news?
My parents are coming up this evening to visit me, which will be interesting. I need to convince them that I am happy - which I am, so there shouldn't be a problem there - and that liverpool isn't totally crap. That one is going to be a little more difficult, because we're going to have to walk through Church Street late on a friday evening (think the feeding scene from Dawn of the Dead, but with scousers instead of zombies). What else? work goes acceptable well, although I have a Big Scary Essay in this wednesday so I'm going to have to spend some quality time in the library.

I haven't really got time to write much more, so I'll sign off here. More later!

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by Phil at 9:46 am on Wednesday 1st November [journal]

OK, I'm drunk - and therefore philospohpical - enough to post. Just had a really great chat with Sunil over skype in which he reminded me of my duty to hypedark. So: I am in liverpool. My friends and I have just had a pleasant evening involving rather too much to drink. I now have skypeout, which is exciting. Oh, and firefox 2.0
So, what else? Lectures are dull, tutorials more interesting, in a kind of haven't-prepared-for-this fashion. Greek tomorrow will require me having prepared some Plato, death of Socrates (hackneyed? JACT? as if!). I went to a great houseparty the other day involving a lot of different alcohols, which I abused before cycling home pissed. The hangover the next day was unpleasant, but remedied witha fine fryup. I have promised people a homecooked curry, which will entail some hours spent slaving over a hob, but will probably be worth it. It has now ceased to be halloween (I dressed as a ninja. I always dress as a ninja, it's cheap) and is all saints'.

Anyway, I should cease my ramblings and hit post before I do any damage. Good night all. Classics > comp sci. In fact, bit shift - Classics << comp sci. And it was tasty.

Good night.

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